Achelous - Mazière (1688)
Castor and Pollux - Coysevox (1712)
Aria and Paetus - Lespingola (1688)
Flora from Poussin
Minerva from Poussin
Hercules from Poussin
Vertumnus from Poussin
Bacchante - Laviron
Bacchus from Poussin
Pomona from Poussin
The Winter - Girardon (1686)
The Allegiance - Lefèvre (1684)
Venus - Le gros (1689)
Faun with a kid - Flamen (1687)
Dido - Poultier (1689)
Amazon - Buirette (1693)
Nymph with the shell - Suchetet (1891)
Sleepy Ariane - Van Clève (1688)
Dying gladiator - Mosnier (1680)
Artemise - Lefèvre and Desjardins (1695)
Faun and the deer - Flamen (1687)
Venus - Mosnier and Frémery (1687)
Hercule and Telephe - Jouvenet (1685)
Junon - antique statue
The Deceit - Le Conte (1685)
Laocoon and his sons - Tuby (1696)
Papirius and his mother - Carlier and Mosnier (1688)
Hércules - Le Conte (1686)
Bacchante - Dedieu (1685)
Faun - Houzeau (1687)
Diogenes - Lespagnandelle (1688)
Ceres - Poultier (1688)
Ganymede - Laviron (1685)
Urania - Frémery (1684)
Hercules - Coustou (1686)
Faustina - Regnaudin (1685)
Bacchus - Granier (1688)
The Air - Le Hongre (1685)
The Evening - Desjardin (1680)
The Hour of Noon - Marsy (1680)
The Europe - Mazeline (1680)
Africa- Sybraique et Cornu (1682)
The Night - Raon (1680)
The Earth - Massou (1681)
Pastoral poem - Granier (1680)
Theophrastus - Hurtrelle (1688)
Isócrates - Granier (1688)
Lysias - Dedieu (1685)
Apollonius - Mélo (1687)
The Autumn - Regnaudin (1678)
America - Guérin (1678)
The Summer - Hutinot (1679)
The Winter - Girardon (1686)
The Irascible - Houzeau (1680)
The Water - Le Gros (1681)
The Spring - Magnier (1681)
The Daybreak - Marsy (1680)
The Lyric Poem - Tuby (1680)
The Fire - Dossier (1681)
Tiridates - André (1687)
Silenes and young Bacchus - Mazière (1684)
Antinous - Le Gros (1686)
Mercurius - Mélo (1685)
Uranie - Carlier (1684)
Apollo - Mazeline (1684)
Plato - Rayol (1688)
Circe - Magnier (1686)
Circe - Magnier (1686)
Plato - Rayol (1688)
Mercury - Van Clève (1687)
Pandora - Le Gros (1686)